Elections for the 2010-2011 officers of Honors will take place on April 13th. Candidates were asked to answer the following questions so as to give a representation of their views about Honors. Please join us for voting!!
Alexis Keller:
1. Why are you running for this particular office?
I, more than anything, want keep involved in Honors. I feel like I am at home in the presidential position. Working and organizing are two things I really like to do, so helping Dr. B. with all the craziness that needs to be done seems to be a very good place for me to stand.
2.What makes you the right person for this job?
I love public speaking; the president seems to do a lot of that. Between hosting the meetings, talking to up and coming honors students, and being the voice of Honors, public speaking seems to be very important. But more than just the face value things, I am an overall organized person with good time management skills. A good president needs all of these skills as well as many more. I’m not saying I’m WonderWoman, but she was always my favorite, and I plan to do as much as possible to make Honors AWESOME.
3.What do you believe you can contribute to Honors?
My personality is one of things I plan to contribute to Honors. I think most of you know me pretty well. (I would hope, at least.) As much as I would like to, I will not force you all to have a sing along at every meeting. For those of you who don’t know me, that is the kind of personality I have and plan to contribute to Honors.
4.How will you improve Honors next year?
Using that sparkling personality I mentioned earlier, I plan to get more people involved. There are so many students in Honors, but don’t attend the meetings. The meetings are just great places to get information. I would like to get the attendance up in the meetings and try to get people to help out with the little projects. Some of us have had to privilege of being mentors or meeting the up and coming freshmen on orientation day. Simple things like that are what I want to get more people involved in. I realize we are all busy, but spending a morning with new students or having lunch with your mentee is something we can all do no matter how busy we are with life.
5.If you are not elected, then how would you contribute to Honors next year?
If I am not elected, I plan to keep doing things that I am doing now as an officer. Even though I won’t be in charge, working on committees and helping the new students are going to be my big focuses. I will be there on orientation day (win or lose) telling them all how much better FSU is when you are involved in Honors. That is the message I want to spread.
Kelly Blake:
1. Why are you running for this particular office?
I am running for the office of president because I think that I can make a difference in the Honors Program. I believe that the office of president is the most influential office and a public figurehead.
2.What makes you the right person for this job?
I am the right person for the job because I have had experiences working as an officer in organizations before. I can think on my feet and stay calm in a crisis. A president should be able to lead but should also know when to let others lead.
3.What do you believe you can contribute to Honors?
I contribute a fresh face to Honors’ leadership. I contribute an enthusiasm for the program and building it closer together. I bring a background of group collaboration and decision-making to the plate.
4.How will you improve Honors next year?
I will reach out to all the Honors kids and encourage them to come and participate in the activities we put on. I would utilize modes of communication such as face-to-face, letters in their mail or to their rooms, facebook, emails, etc. to gather opinions about what they would like to do that year. I would also work with the director of the Honors Program to help with the organization of fun and meaningful trips.
5.If you are not elected, then how would you contribute to Honors next year?
If not elected I would encourage everyone to go to the meetings and offer their ideas and input. I would also help out in whatever way I could to make the Honors Program a fun and enjoyable group for all members. I would encourage the new members to participate and also help them if they were struggling with adjusting to college or whatever they were needing help with. I would joyfully help the elected president with committees or general running around. No job is too small and no person is left out.
Vice President:
Bo Saxon:
1.Why are you running for this particular office?
I feel as if the Honors program and association has given me a lot during my academic career here at Fairmont State. I have made many excellent friends and received opportunities that would otherwise be unattainable. As such, I believe I should give something back to the program, and as such, I believe running for the vice president, given my abilities and experiences, would be an excellent boon to the association. I want the same thing everyone else wants; the betterment of the Honors Association. I believe I can provide this.
2.What makes you the right person for this job?
I believe that I am the proper person for this job due to my willingness to dedicate to the functions required of this position in addition to the multitude of talents. I have experience in logistics, parliamentary procedure, organization, and leadership that I believe will allow me to best aid the president in the fulfillment of their duties as well as the fulfillment of my own. In addition, I have virtually no constraints on the amount of time and effort that I can give to my work.
3.What do you believe you can contribute to Honors?
I believe I can provide an openness and communication to Honors that I believe was somewhat lacking this year. I am willing to consider all ideas put forth before me before rendering a decision and that I can provide a pragmatic, practical response to almost any dilemma. I believe I can contribute to Honors by listening to all those in Honors, from incoming freshmen to transfers and nontraditional students and doing my best to aid them during their time with us in the association.
4.How will you improve Honors next year?
As I stated in my previous response, I believe that there was a breakdown in communication this year. As such, I intend to process and deliver information as soon as it is given to me, rather than when it becomes an issue. While I understand that the Gettysburg trip did not receive much interest, I do not believe that making an announcement at one meeting was sufficient warning. Many students are unable to attend meetings due to personal commitments and, on this particular instance, unable to give input as the meeting ran long. I intend to make issues known to people and get their response through multiple means.
5.If you are not elected, then how would you contribute to Honors next year?
I would give myself to Honors as much as possible. Even if I am not elected, I intend to do what it takes to have the best possible Honors experience for myself and others.
Scott Barner:
1.Why are you running for this particular office?
I am running for the position of Vice President of the Honors Program because I want to give back to the program that has given me so many great connections on campus. I would like to be able to help the Honors community by aiding in the continuation of events and opportunities that provide support to those who actually want to be educated, and not those who are just here to party.
2.What makes you the right person for this job?
I am the type of person who is always prepared to do everything I can to help promote whatever it may be that needs to be completed. I am a responsible, caring, honest, personable, and passionate person. When I see a possible goal, I go for it: I never do anything partially. I take care of my responsibilities and still am able to make time to be a friend to those around me.
3.What do you believe you can contribute to Honors?
I can contribute an active voice in the Student Government meetings that the Vice President is to attend. I also want to be the person who can encourage other students to participate in events; and more participation in these events allow those who plan them to make more events available to the students who want them to be available. I am a very forward-thinking person who always tries to have a game plan and a vision for future goals.
4.How will you improve Honors next year?
I believe Honors is already a very successful program and I wish to help its success multiply through more activities that encourage camaraderie. I will be available to students who may have suggestions. Living on campus gives me availability to those who also live on campus for times when people just need to talk. I want to be the person who will listen to ideas and actually take each one into consideration. In order for Honors to be a continuously successful program, student input is needed; that’s what I’m here for.
5.If you are not elected, then how would you contribute to Honors next year?
If I am not elected for an office, I will still participate in as many Honors activities as possible and will continue my help during special events and occasions presented by the Honors Program for both current and prospective students.
Nick Oliveto:
1.Why are you running for this particular office?
Honors vice-president is a largely symbolic role, mostly only fulfilling the president's duties in his or her stead, or serving to introduce the Honors officers at meetings and events. I would like to see this change and return the position to the roles designated by the constitution, particularly promoting the purpose of the organization, and representing the Honors Association on the Honors Council.
2.What makes you the right person for this job?
In two years with The Honors Program I have made great use of all the opportunities afforded to Honors members. My utility of the program gives me insight in how to involve our organization with the campus community. Each time I travel to a seminar, attend a class, or go on a trip, I represent The Honors Program. This training, along with my initiative, and ability to organize over the Internet gives me the perfect skill set for this position.
3.What do you believe you can contribute to Honors?
My vision for vice-president would be my greatest contribution to Honors. Honors always has need for a communicator, representative, and organizer. I offer my ability to be liaison between the Honors officers, the committee chairs, and the rest of our members. Furthermore, the lack of duties designated to this position will allow me latitude in organizing Honors involvement in the campus community.
4.How will you improve Honors next year?
I will encourage involvement on campus and in the greater collegiate community by raising awareness of opportunities available to Honors students. I have had the privilege of traveling extensively and being active on campus. I would give fellow Honors members the knowledge of how to do the same. Student involvement will not only benefit individual Honors members, but also increase the prestige of Honors.
5.If you are not elected, then how would you contribute to Honors next year?
I would continue to remain involved in Honors as I currently am, were I not elected. I would still raise awareness of the program, integrate our organization with the campus community, and bring knowledge of our program to other students beyond Fairmont State University.
Jessica Stanley:
1.Why are you running for this particular office?
I’m running for the office of secretary because I love Honors and being the secretary gives me the opportunity to be more involved in the Honors Association.
2.What makes you the right person for this job?
I have a lot of secretarial experience from different organizations over my school career, including serving as the secretary of Honors for the 2009-2010 school year. I take neat notes and my background in journalism helps me to be able to quickly take down what people say.
3.What do you believe you can contribute to Honors?
I believe that among other things, I can contribute graphic design skills to Honors. I have enjoyed making the flyers for different events through Honors, and hope to be able to continue that. I also think that through the positive experiences I’ve had in Honors, I’d be able to further promote the ideals of Honors, through good communication skills with the other officers.
4.How will you improve Honors next year?
I will improve Honors in the upcoming school year by working with the other officers to put into place new ideas that we got in the past year, as well as by encouraging ongoing participation in Honors events.
5.If you are not elected, then how would you contribute to Honors next year?
If not elected, I would continue to participate in Honors activities and attend all Honors meetings, as well as help the officers in whatever manner they asked. Best of luck to all of the candidates running for positions in Honors!
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