
Reminder from Alexis

Hello Fellow Honors Students,

I just want to remind all of you that the Director's Talk for Anton in Show Business will be held on Thursday, March 4, 2010. If you don't know, the talk comes with a free meal from catering, a free discussion with the director, Dr. O'Connor before the show, and a free ticket to the show. It will be held in 126 ED at 6:00 pm and should be nothing short of a great time. If you would like to go please bring a $25 deposit to Dr. Baker's office/ to me by Friday, February 26, 2010. This will be returned to you the night of the show.

Stay Warm,


Deadline Update

Hi Honors kids! It's that time of the school year again! If you'd like to potentially move into the Honors Residence during the next school year, please talk to Dr. Baker as soon as possible! He needs to know which room you'd prefer, as well.

Also, if any of you wish to participate in next month's Director's Talk for Anton in Show Business on March 4, please take your $25 deposit to Dr. Baker's office to reserve your place.

The Fine Arts Tattler posted this blurb with information about the play, which includes a cast listing: http://fineartsfsu.wordpress.com/2010/02/12/anton-in-show-business-a-madcap-award-winning-contemporary-play/


February Meeting

Hello, honors students! Just wanted to remind you that the February Honors meeting will be this Tuesday, February 9, at 12:30 pm. It will take place in the Tower Room of Wallman Hall, and pizza will be provided by Peggy Frum from the campus Bookstore. FSU President Dr. Thomas Krepel will be speaking. Please come join us! At this meeting we'll also be passing around a paper from the advisory council meeting, on which we need to note our current members. We'd really appreciate it if you guys all come!

Hope you're enjoying this wintery weather!